Those who read my old blog remember the before pictures:

Here is my yard now:

I had the concrete removed and slate installed. This picture was taken 2 months ago when it was just finished but the gook (cement) used to seal the slate in is starting to clear off the surface of the slate so it will look much better in a few months.
I’ve been checking out IKEA, Home Depot, World Market, and Crate and Barrel’s websites on a weekly basis to see if they’ve updated their summer furniture and accessories. They finally updated the summer furniture selections this weekend. I’m checking out different outdoor tables and checking my budget of course. I’m excited about my first BBQ and am already planning the menu. Burger, Chicken and Lamb Kebabs, plenty of salads, and a great white sangria recipe I discovered through a friend.
I haven’t been able to use my yard for 3 summers but that’s going to change this year. I have visions of myself, lounging outside with a cappuccino and the Sunday post. Evenings grilling dinner on my new outdoor grill, Sundays cracking Chesapeake Bay crabs and drinking ice cold beer and that’s just the food.
I have space for a small garden and have already purchased two gardening books including “Gardening for dummies” because I grew up in the city and know little to nothing about gardening. I met a gay couple at our neighborhood’s progressive dinner and they offered to help me get my garden together. Yippee!
Is it summer yet!?!?!