I got there around 5:30 on Friday evening and after dropping off my suitcase and hanging around a bit we went to dinner at the Ethiopian restaurant he took the boys to last month. Delicious. Saturday Goldie (also known as the Hostesses’ line sister), O, and I went down to a small sea side town an hour away from the U.S. Mexican border called Puerto Nuevo for lobster, ceviche, and beer. Last year we went to Tijuana which wasn’t exactly a glowing reference to Mexico so I was excited to see something slightly different. Between the time that we crossed the border into Mexico and back to the U.S. I must have used the word “Federales” at every opportunity. I think I drove O and Goldie slightly mad but I couldn’t help myself. Try saying it with a Spanish accent and you’ll see what I mean.
After Goldie and Ramon the suppa hustler negotiated a deal for lobster, sides, beer and a tequila shot we got our grub on the roof top deck. The weather wasn’t as hot as I would have liked but it was beautiful and the sun was shinning which was a nice change from my last trip during their monsoon. After lunch Ramon found a spot where we could catch the Redskins game on a big *ss flat screen TV; it was kind of funny actually watching the game on ESPN Espagnol. After drinking some Cuban coffee, I insisted we walk down to the beach while Goldie and O rolled their eyes and bitched and moaned about having to go down some hill. Hehe! If we hadn’t gone we would have missed this freak of nature.

After finally getting back to San Diego there was talk of possibly going out but alas we’re old and O and I ended up watching L&O and sharing a slim fast. Sunday we meet up with Goldie for a fabulous brunch where I made up for my slim fast dinner. After chilling around San Diego we went to Goldie’s for her mom’s delicious Curry. Monday we went to the Zoo where I had to fight off some little kids as we all clamored to feed the goats and sheep at the Children’s petting zoo.

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