I woke up this morning and snarled. I was up when I didn’t want to be and the first thing I thought of was that my internet wasn’t working at home after I’d spent 2 hours on the phone with the router people, my car was in dire need of an oil change, my house was a mess, I need to buy new blinds, and the seal on my back door is cracked so every time it rains heavily water leaks into the kitchen. I learned all of this when I returned home from Vegas on Tuesday.
Just bitching and moaning to myself, I turned on the news and realized that today was the first anniversary of the London bombings and stopped. This time last year I was happy go lucky excited to be back in London on my way to the Tate Modern to see the Freida Kahlo exhibit, wondering why there were so many sirens going off near me. The news coverage reminded me that I should be thankful, I have my health, my family is well and I need to stop and just power through life’s little inconveniences.
Vegas Recap
Vegas was great! But not so crazy that I can’t talk about it. I actually went to visit a friend that moved there about 2 ½ years ago. I’ve wanted to get out there to visit for a while so I just made it happen last weekend. We went out my first night there but I was so jetlagged and exhausted from my work trip overseas that my girl and I pretty much hung out and chilled the rest of the weekend. It was great, seeing what people who live in Vegas really do. Funny thing is that they do the same stuff we do. We hung out at her condo complex pool, went out for breakfast, went to her friend’s BBQ, went sightseeing on the strip, and went to a movie at one of the “locals” casino.