Monday, August 20, 2007


I didn’t jump on the My Space bandwagon when it first started because I figured it was something that the “kids” did online. I believe by the time I even realized there was a My space or a Face book I was fully hooked and addicted to blogging and I can only have one internet based distraction at a time. I have my space biases and think folks 30 and younger shouldn’t be on it (not sure where I got that age from) but in any case I do feel it’s for the ‘youngins and at the ripe young/older age of 33 that doesn’t mean me.

Yet some folks I know don’t feel the same because in the last month I’ve had 3 different friends who are over 30 bitch and moan to me about something some dude they liked/used to date/are dating did on my space. It’s either some picture they saw of dude and another chick, or some chick’s comments or something someone commented on their page that made them realize that they were really not in town when they said they were etc, etc, etc. At first I was actively listening to their story and injecting some tidbits when needed. However the moment they mentioned my space and the dude in one sentence I became distracted.

I’ve been sent my space pages of random people before by some of these friends so I could “see” what they were talking about. To me it was a bit like stalking and although I will refresh a blog page fifty eleven times (CreoleinDC’s) to see what’s been updated or what new comments have been posted on a controversial topic (Hostess) I don’t see that as stalking. Now going to someone’s my space page fifty eleven times in a day, clicking links to other people’s my space page who happen to leave provocative comments is stalking to me. In fact it seems like one big soap opera mess to me.


Luke Cage said...

Hey, if you want to visit a soap opera mess free page on MySpace, you need to come by mine. I only network and value opinions by friends and fellow artists.. check me out luv. - I have no problem injecting a shameless plug! ;) - by the way, what number comes before or after fifty-eleven..? (I'm feeling that!)

Anonymous said...

For my girlfriends and I (all thirty-somethings) myspace is our 'deal breaker'.

Anonymous said...

AMEN...I've been saying this for the longest time. MySpace has no place near all things grown and sexy. Stay away...I repeat, STAY AWAY

Ahd Child said...

I look at Myspace like a public school's gym. During the school day, the kids run around and play their childish games. On weekends, older folks might come out for a mature game of basketball. Sometimes people might get serious and use the space for something important - voting for example. Some people use it for their bake sales and other fund raisers.

All kinds of different groups of people use myspace - some groups overlap, some don't. Some uses are serious, some are frivilous. The news and other media have stressed the whole meeting people/dating aspect of it, but that's really just a small part. The beauty of MySpace is that you can choose which aspects of it to embrace and which to ignore. Some things you might like about it:
- I've reconnected with several old friends/classmates through myspace
- MySpace is a great way to stay in touch with friends even when you don't talk often
- It's a good place to discover new music. There are tons of artists who make their material available there and a lot of it is very good.
- It's a great self-promotion tool for artists and businesses
- It can be a good way to stay informed about local events
- It's a good way to meet people with common interests - not just for dating. I have one very good friend who I originally met on MySpace

Anonymous said...

I never got into MySpace for the same reasons you listed. I am becoming a little obsessed with adding "connections" on LinkedIn though. *holding my head in shame*

Shai said...

I know for me it is about networking. I also see how it is a great marketing tool for folks. A musician from my area had a CD release party. A large majority there heard about him through Myspace. He even mentioned on his blog and at the party how MySpace had done wonders for his exposure.

I can say I have ran across a few good folk on MS. I had a guy I IMed and talked on the phone but never met face to face.

MS is what you make it.

Little Brown Girl said...

I forget I have a page (which was set up and maintained for me by my brother cause I'm a myspace retard)...matter of fact let me go check it now cause its been months LOL!

Just wanted to drop in and say Hi!

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. I have to pinch myself some days to really believe that I've become addicted to blogging, because I just think that whole Myspace/Blackplanet phenomenon is foolishness at 30+. Unless you are a performing artist or something of that nature, a grown azz doesn't have any business on one of those sites, "hanging out".

CreoleInDC said...

I CERTAINLY have a page...and a BeBo page too. And I keep an eye on all my friend's kids and my younger cousins too. I am QUICK to pick up the phone and call a parent and tell them to pull up their kids myspace page.

That's how mine started...and then folks found me and started sending me invites to add them as friends. I even get folks who get upset with me when I don't respond timely. But I don't respond timely because I never use it! LOL!

By the time I get over there I have been flooded by weirdo dudes trying to holla WHEN MY PAGE CLEARLY STATES I'M MARRIED! I find it HILARIOUS.

@Luke Cage: Fifty Twelve. :)

The OE said...

Secret agents don't stalk, they perform periodic intelligence gathering missions.

Anonymous said...

I try to keep the drama to a minimum on my Myspace page:

soumynona said...

Oh, I just love the "Water boy" reference!

Beware of any space online and keep your heart in your chest (treasure)

Anonymous said...

I got a page but ask me when the last time I logged on...probably when I first set it up. LOL!

Lady D said...

LMAO!!!! I have a friend who does that to her boyfriend's page and then calls to bitch about it. She doesn't have an account though!

*Tanyetta* said...

i have a myspace page and my 20 year old told me that's NOT cool for moms to have one. needless to say.......